Follow Friday (2)
Hi, guys! It's once again time for Follow Friday, where I will answer the question they asked.
If you're new, thanks for coming to my blog! If you're not, thanks for coming to my blog! This is the question asked:
Q: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to get your hands on any particular book?
The craziest thing I've ever done to get my hands on a book is when Paranormalcy (Kiersten White) came out . I promised my dad I'd rub his feet for two hours if he took me to the bookstore. It's all the way across town, and he hates driving over there, but he did.
I didn't have a fun night.
When I watch Supernatural later all will be excellent again..
New follower..Really cute blog u have here..
Books and Beyond
Izzy @ My Words Ate Me
Celine @ Forget-me-not
Here is my FF