
Showing posts from June, 2012

Follow Friday (5)

Q: Birthday Wishes — Blow out the candles and imagine what character could pop out of your cake…who is it and what book are they from??
I assume this question is asking about the fictional character I desire romantically, because honestly, who cares who I want to sit down to tea with?
So, without f…

COVER REVEAL: Lullaby by Amanda Hocking

COVER REVEAL: Lauren DeStefano's SEVER

Not sure exactly how I feel about this yet.


My blog has been open for a year as of Monday, which is incredibly exciting!! I can't even believe I've gained 131 followers in a mere 365 days. It's incredible how awesome you guys are. So,


Review: Stunning by Sara Shepard

This book truly convinced me that Pretty Little Liars is far superior to The Lying Game. Sorry, Sara. I was originally rooting for The Lying Game, being as it was the underdog, but Pretty Little Liars just towers over its opponent.

Shepard does the quadro-narration thing very well. It seems like a d…

Follow Friday (4)

Q: If you could “unread” a book, which one would it be? Is it because you want to start over and experience it again for the first time? Or because it was THAT bad?

If I could "unread" a book . . . Gah, there are so many.
Let me make a list for you.

Books I Would "Unread"


Hi, guys! Sorry for the long wait until my next post. My computer broke -- the screen actually broke -- and I'm posting this from another computer. I have a bunch of reviews and such to catch up on, and my computer should be alive again by Friday. Hopefully, I'll have everything up then. Pr…