In My Mailbox (17)

Welcome to another week of In My Mailbox, a meme where I post books I've received in the last week, hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.

This week, I got four books:

For Review:

Forgiven by Jana Oliver (thanks to St. Martin's Griffin!)


Cross Fire by James Patterson
Before I Go to Sleep by SJ Watson

From Library:

The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson

What did YOU get in your mailbox this week? Leave me a comment with your link!


I have not read Jana Oliver's books yet, but I have heard a lot about them! Also love JP, but I don't know what's been going on with his Maximum Ride series lately...

Happy Reading!
iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books
I have a netgalley of The Girl of Fire and Thorns and hope to get to it soon. Happy reading:)
You can find my Mailbox here
What a nice IMM you've got there! Happy reading :D

& your blog is cute. I'm a new follower.
Blythe Harris said…
I love Before I Go To Sleep!
Kayla said…
Hayden, what is your email? I really need to know in reguards to a blog/work email I need to send you in regards to a project I want you to be apart of. PLEASE let me know.

Hayden said…
Hi, Kayla! It's on my Review Policy page -- you can find it there. :)
