In My Mailbox (1)
"In My Mailbox" is a meme, created by Kristi at The Story Siren, that features books I've received/purchased/borrowed during the current week.
Hades -- Alexandra Adornetto
Sirensong -- Jenna Black
Wolfsbane -- Andrea Cremer
I Am Number Four -- Pittacus Lore
Vampire Academy: The Graphic Novel -- Richelle Mead (with Leigh Dragoon and Emma Vicieli
Bloodlines -- Richelle Mead
(not pictured: Succubus Revealed -- Richelle Mead)
Shadowfever -- Karen Marie Moning
Soul Thief -- Jana Oliver
Until The End -- Christopher Pike
Never Have I Ever -- Sara Shepard
Twisted -- Sara Shepard
Blood Bound -- Rachel Vincent
Received ARCs:
Thhe Secret Prince -- Violet Haberdasher
Triangles -- Ellen Hopkins
Perfect -- Ellen Hopkins
(not pictured: A Beautiful Evil -- Kelly Keaton)
The Secret Spiral -- Gillian Neimark
The Demon's Surrenter -- Sarah Rees Brennan
The Day Before -- Lisa Schroeder
Darkness Becomes Her -- Kelly Keaton
(not pictured -- Cryptic Cravings -- Ellen Schreiber)
Those of you who know me know that I'm very inconsistent, so I'm only going to do this feature when I have a considerable amount of new material. I would try to do it weekly, but like I said, I'm very inconsistent, and I'm afraid I'd forget.
Yeah. Ha. I have no clue where I got all that money.
and i'm totally envious you get books from publishers.
There are only two books I've gotten from publishers, and I'm very lucky to have gotten them. I don't think I will again for a while.
I didn't know it was on GalleyGrab! Very awesome, though. I haven't gotten the September letter yet. Was it in August?
I hope you enjoy it, too! :)