
Showing posts from July, 2012

Review: Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Title: Tiger Lily
Author: Jodi Lynn Anderson
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 292
Release Date: July 10, 2012
Rating: 2.5 Owls

Before Peter Pan belonged to Wendy, he belonged to the girl with the crow feather in her hair. . . .

Fifteen-year-old Tiger Lily doesn't believe in love stories or happy en…

Review: Endlessly by Kiersten White

Title: Endlessly
Author: Kiersten White
Publisher: HarperTEEN
Pages: 385
Release Date: 7/24/12
Source: Hardcover (Purchase)
Rating:5 Owls
summary Evie's paranormal past keeps coming back to haunt her. A new director at the International Paranormal Containment Agency wants to drag her back to headquar…

Follow Friday (8)

Q: Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?
Oh, man. This is such a difficult question. I think my top choice would be To Kill a Mockingbird. It was such a good book, and one of the only classics I've truly thought was worthy of the ti…


Title: Something Strange and Deadly
Series: Something Strange and Deadly, #1
Author: Susan Dennard
Pages: 400
Release Date: July 24th, 2012
Publisher: HarperTeen
Rating: 5/5 Owls


The year is 1876, and there’s something strange and deadly loose in Philadelphia…

Eleanor Fitt has a lot to worry about. …

Follow Friday (7)

Q: Christmas in July! Someone gives you a gift card for two books (whatever that costs). What two books will you buy? Well, I'm a Soul Screamers mega-fan and I STILL haven't gotten the latest book, Before I Wake (dang my non-existent income!). I've also been craving Jodi Lynn Anderson&…

Interview with Amy Kathleen Ryan

Welcome to my interview with Amy Kathleen Ryan, the fabulous author of GLOW and SPARK!

1)      What in your life made you want to become a writer?
Reading! I love to read. I think nothing gets your mind off your problems like a great book. As soon as I caught the reading bug, I wanted to be a writer.…

Review: GLOW and SPARK by Amy Kathleen Ryan


Title: Glow
Author: Amy Kathleen Ryan
Series: Sky Chasers, #1
Pages: 307
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Rating: 5/5 Owls


If a violent battle destroyed the only world you’ve ever known, would you be brave enough to save who was left? Would love be strong enough to survive the fight? Eithe…

Follow Friday (7)

Welcome to another week of Follow Friday!

Q: What drove you to start book blogging in the first place?If I told you it was ARCs, would you be mad? Probably, but that isn't the answer anyway. I was looking at all these review blogs and I noticed one thing they all had in common: everything. They …

REVIEW: Enshadowed by Kelly Creagh

Title: Enshadowed
Author: Kelly Creagh
Pages: 429
Release Date: August 28, 2012
Publisher: Atheneum (imprint of Simon & Schuster)
Rating: 5/5 Owls

[From the back of the ARC] Varen Nethers is trapped in a perilous dream world -- a treacherous and desolate realm where the terrifying stories of …

Review: 101 Troublesome Words You'll Master In No Time by GRAMMAR GIRL!

Title: Grammar Girls' 101 Troublesome Words You'll Master in No Time Author: Mignon Fogarty Pages: 134 Release Date: July 3rd, 2012 Rating: 5/5 Owls
Summary Millions of people around the world communicate better thanks to Mignon Fogarty, aka Grammar Girl, whose top-rated weekly grammar podcast h…

Review: Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel

Title: Infinite Days
Author: Rebecca Maizel
Series: Vampire Queen (#1)
Release Date: August 3, 2010
Pages: 325 Rating: 5/5 Owls

"Throughout all my histories, I found no one I loved more than one."
Those were some of Rhode's last words to me. The last time he would pronounce h…

Follow Friday (6)

Q: Jumping Genres: Ever pick up a book from a genre you usually don’t like and LOVE it? Tell us about it and why you picked it up in the first place. Not really. Honestly, I try to stick to one genre in particular, which is all things YA. The closest thing I would say that matches up to this quest…

COVER REVEAL: (Redesigned) Across the Universe Trilogy by Beth Revis

I hereby present the worst cover redesign in the history of bad cover redesigns! Seriously, Penguin Teen. The original AtU series covers were my favorites in history. I rubbed them against my face regularly. I honestly don't understand why you're marketing the series to boys, because now th…

Review: Darkness Before Dawn

Title: Darkness Before Dawn
Author: JA London
Pages: 342
Format: Paperback
Rating: 2 of 5 owls

Only sunlight can save us.
We built the wall to keep them out, to keep us safe. But it also makes us prisoners, trapped in what's left of our ravaged city, fearing nightfall.

After the death of my pa…