Follow Friday (7)

Welcome to another week of Follow Friday!

Q: What drove you to start book blogging in the first place?

If I told you it was ARCs, would you be mad?
Probably, but that isn't the answer anyway. I was looking at all these review blogs and I noticed one thing they all had in common: everything. They were all so similar, and I wanted to create something unique and different, something that represented me. So, I injected a little bit of myself into each element of this blog. Basically, I wanted to write reviews and other blog content in a way that was reflective of me as a person, so someone who walked away from my blog knew exactly what kind of a person I was. I think that rings true . . .   :)

Link me to yours, and follow, please!  :)


rachel said…
I try to make my blog reflect more of me too! Great answer!
New follower via GFC! :)
You can check out my FF post here on my blog:
Anonymous said…
Great answer, sir! More 15yr olds need to be like you.

New follower via GFC

A Bookish Co-op@
Joie said…
Great answer! I think that's something we can all strive for! :)

Here's my FF
Anonymous said…
That is a seriously cool reason to go about running your blog! I love that it's so personal :)

New Follower via RSS!

Unknown said…
Oh nice. :D What a nice answer ~ I just started following you (:
Here is my FF: ~