Follow Friday (8)

Q: Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?

Oh, man. This is such a difficult question. I think my top choice would be To Kill a Mockingbird. It was such a good book, and one of the only classics I've truly thought was worthy of the title.

What was your favorite required reading book? Leave me your thoughts and please follow!


Crystal B. said…
Great choice,I guess everyone has read and loved To Kill A Mockingbird :D

Thanks for visiting my blog ,and I'm already a follower ha :D
theyabookworm said…
I've seen a lot of people posting this book! New Follower!

Here's My FF
bookbitereviews said…
Thanks for stopping by mine! I didn't have to read To Kill A Mockingbird. The year before me did. I heard its good though =D

Forgot I was already a follower so I must have heard your future request to follow awhile ago HAHA
BLHmistress said…
I couldn't believe I forgot about it, we did read it and it was good. Just been so long since I been in school.

Funny story, so I switched high schools, and their curriculums didn't match up exactly, so I got to read To Kill a Mockingbird twice, haha!

New follower!
My goal for the summer is to read this one. I can't believe I haven't read it yet!!
I was so sad to see its not out on e-book...kind of wild considering how popular it is. :(
The Brunette Librarian Blog
Lisa Nguyen said…
I haven't read To Kill A Mockingbird yet. Old Follower.

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Lisa @ Shatterbooks
I feel like I'm alone in this, but I hated To Kill a Mockingbird. But to each their own! New follower! My FF
The HoneyNerds said…
Love To Kill A Mockingbird too!
I'm a new follower! My FF
To Kill a Mockingbird is a good choice.

Have a great weekend!

You can find my answer here: My FF
Anonymous said…
A great choice, enjoy! your week-end.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a popular one! Thanks for sharing.

Following! Feel free to visit my blog.

Unknown said…
Great choice - a lot of people have picked that one. :)
Old follower - just stopping by!
My Follow Friday Post!
Thanks for becoming a follower of my site. I'm now following you back via GFC and think your choice of books is a good one.

The Scarf Princess
Alexia said…
Old GFC follower :) Great choice - I said the same!
Alexia - Here is Our FF Post
stargirlreads said…
I really need to read To Kill a Mockingbird...

I'm a new follower.

Anonymous said…
I was home schooled so I wasn't "required" to read any books other then Corrie Ten Boom's The Hiding Place. BUT there were classic books that I read while in school that gave me extra credit (more or less in home schooling).
My favorite was Pygmalion (My fair lady) I can't remember much about (I read it maybe 5-6 years ago) I just know that it didn't give me the bad feeling I get after reading a disappointing book.
funny, you say 5-6 years ago on reading a book, lol, It was 1985-88 (class of 88) when I was reading my books for HS. Boy makes me feel old.
I only remembered my pick after I seen it mentioned, lol, as its so long ago.
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