Follow Friday (8)
Q: Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?
Oh, man. This is such a difficult question. I think my top choice would be To Kill a Mockingbird. It was such a good book, and one of the only classics I've truly thought was worthy of the title.
What was your favorite required reading book? Leave me your thoughts and please follow!
Thanks for visiting my blog ,and I'm already a follower ha :D
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Forgot I was already a follower so I must have heard your future request to follow awhile ago HAHA
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I was so sad to see its not out on e-book...kind of wild considering how popular it is. :(
The Brunette Librarian Blog
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Lisa @ Shatterbooks
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Have a great weekend!
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The Scarf Princess
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My favorite was Pygmalion (My fair lady) I can't remember much about (I read it maybe 5-6 years ago) I just know that it didn't give me the bad feeling I get after reading a disappointing book.
I only remembered my pick after I seen it mentioned, lol, as its so long ago.
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