Follow Friday: 8/24

Q: Worst cover? What is the worst cover of a book that you’ve read and loved?

Oh my goodness. What an easy question. Without a doubt...

Nevermore by Kelly Creagh. That cover disgusts me, but the pages behind it are simply magical. <3 p="p">

What do YOU think is the ugliest cover hiding the prettiest book? Let me know in the comments!


Anonymous said…
I hate couple covers. It ruins your imagination of the characters and looks so uncreative. New follower.

Sydney @ Starry Storm
Anonymous said…
Just hopping through :D **New Follower via GFC**
Cassi Haggard said…
That is a pretty boring blah cover. Like it could be any book.

My follow friday! Please visit!
I have to say that that cover is why I haven't picked up that book before! We say it all the time, but we still judge books by their covers. New GFC follower. :)

I don't like the guy on that one, he is not attractive at all.
I usually do not like couple covers, BUT in the case of Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux series, I LOVE the models she got for them, but that is one of the big exceptions, as she found the perfect models, but in most cases they do not portray the characters in books well. I wont mention the book, but there is one that the girl has very light grey/blue eyes, and the model on the cover has brown. when that happens, it really irks me to no end.
Ariella Blake said…
Hmm.. I've never read this series.. People say it's amazing but the book description doesn't call out to me at all. *Following you*

~Ariella @ A Sprinkle of Books

P. S. Your blog is lovely!
Jessica said…
The cover reminds me of a romance book cover... :/

I love your blog layout by the way! Followed via GFC.