Waiting On Wednesday: 8/22

Waiting on Wednesday is a meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, where we showcase books we are waiting for . . . on Wednesday.

This week, I am desperately waiting for:

Title: Requiem
Author: Lauren Oliver
Series: Delirium, #3
Publisher: HarperTeen
Format: Hardcover
Can't-Wait-Scale (1-10):

This is a book I really can't wait for. I'm reading the second in the trilogy, PANDEMONIUM, right now, and it's really good. I finished the first, DELIRIUM, two days ago, and I can't wait to own this one!

Which book are YOU waiting for today?


I haven't read any in this series but since so many seem to like it I think I check it out, when my TBR gets a little smaller :D
And btw. I just love "Peace, love, owls" that's great :D


Here is my WoW: http://kimberleyjones17.blogspot.de/2012/08/waiting-on-wednesday-3.html
ellepaulette said…
I have not heard of this book but I will be checking it out! Thanks for spotlighting it! Check out my WoW!
Anonymous said…
I loved Delirium but never actually got round to picking Pandemonium up... I may do when my TBR pile starts to drop a little :)

This blog is awesome by the way, but how can you not love onions? D: I'm a new FOLLOWER

Here's what i'm waiting on
and check out my awesome YA giveaway Here
Ash said…
I read the first book when it was first released and the ending left me devastated! I'm so excited that the author made it into a series! Can't wait to read Pandemonium and this one :)

Here's my WoW: http://wonderlandsreader.blogspot.com/2012/08/waiting-on-wednesday-alice-in-zombieland.html
Addie R. said…
I have Delirium, but unfortunatley it's just sitting there collecting dust. :P I really hope to start this series soon, but there's just so many review copies I have to read! >.< Awesome pick!!

My WoW
I always love seeing your blog design (because it's the same as mine ;).

I need to read Pandemonium and hope to soon :) a nice pick!

My WoW Post