The Space Between -- Brenna Yovanoff (5 owls)

Title: The Space Between
Author: Brenna Yovanoff
Format: Hardcover ($17.99)

Everything is made of steel, even the flowers. How can you love anything in a place like this?
Daphne is the half-demon, half-fallen angel daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. Life for her is an endless expanse of time, until her brother Obie is kidnapped - and Daphne realizes she may be partially responsible. Determined to find him, Daphne travels from her home in Pandemonium to the vast streets of Earth, where everything is colder and more terrifying. With the help of the human boy she believes was the last person to see her brother alive, Daphne glimpses into his dreams, discovering clues to Obie's whereabouts. As she delves deeper into her demonic powers, she must navigate the jealousies and alliances of the violent archangels who stand in her way. But she also discovers, unexpectedly, what it means to love and be human in a world where human is the hardest thing to be.
This second novel by rising star Brenna Yovanoff is a story of identity, discovery, and a troubled love between two people struggling to find their place both in our world and theirs.
Everything is made of steel, even the flowers. How can you love anything in a place like this? 

Brenna Yovanoff's The Space Between is the poignant and beautiful tale of a semi-confused and not-like-expected character resulting from the pair of Lucifer and Lilith. The story progresses quickly, the inciting event happening not too far into the book. The writing is gorgeous, as is the norm for a Yovanoff book. 

Daphne is the half-demon, half-fallen angel daughter of Lucifer and Lilith. Life for her is an endless expanse of time, until her brother Obie is kidnapped - and Daphne realizes she may be partially responsible. 

You'd think a daughter of Lucifer and Lilith would be trained to feel no good and only think evil, but Daphne is good at not playing the expected and stereotypical part. She's a very unique character, and she experiences a lot over the course of the book, especially the end . . . 

Determined to find him, Daphne travels from her home in Pandemonium to the vast streets of Earth, where everything is colder and more terrifying. With the help of the human boy she believes was the last person to see her brother alive, Daphne glimpses into his dreams, discovering clues to Obie's whereabouts. 

The Space Between unfolds slowly, containing many intricate and complex plot levels that only a master at the craft like Yovanoff could to. Truman (the human boy mentioned above) is a very complex person, buried under the many guilts he's had to bear over the years, drinking away his sorrows. Daphne has to withdraw him from the world he's immersed himself in before she can get to the one she needs. 

As she delves deeper into her demonic powers, she must navigate the jealousies and alliances of the violent archangels who stand in her way. But she also discovers, unexpectedly, what it means to love and be human in a world where human is the hardest thing to be. 

The world-building in The Space Between is fantastically done. The unique worlds of Hell, Heaven (yes, there is Heaven in this book as well) and Earth are all rich, developed places that the characters explore. The characters are developed richly as well. The Space Between is a fabulous book. 

Even though the plot isn't as quickly-paced as some other books and the writing is very rich and delicate, the book still stands strong with its plot. Yovanoff obviously spends lots of time in these worlds! 

And the ending. Gosh, the ending.

Five Owls


Taneika said…
Ooh, I can't wait to read this :) Although it's called Smoulder in Australia! I only just bought it last week! Glad to hear you loved it :)
Hayden said…
Thanks, Taneika! :) I bet you'll love it, too!