Question of the Week: Are you also a writer and what genre or did you ever consider writing?

As a matter of fact, yes, I am a writer! (I'm not an author yet, though.) I just recently finished the first draft of my first novel, and am just now beginning to go back and rip it to pieces! So excited!
As for the genre, it is a psychological thriller.

What about you? Are you a writer? Do you want to be? Let me know, and be sure to follow!


Axie said…
I'm a writer, too! Yay, let's be friends, haha. Congrats on finishing your first draft. They say that's the hardest part of writing....finishing! (and then later, editing). New follower via GFC & Bloglovin' :)

Axie @ Books are Bread
Kim Griffin said…
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Kim Griffin said…
Good luck with your writing! I love psychological thrillers! Try not to be too hard on yourself. I admire that you have that much creativity! New bloglovin' follower. Take care.
Kim @ Bookworm Book Reviews
How exciting!! I am incredibly impressed by anyone who actually finishes writing a book - it's hard work!!

Thanks for visiting my FFF! I'm following back!

Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
GL Tomas said…
Finishing is always difficult for a bunch of reasons. Fear is usually the strongest, but what we've taken away from writing is that you're more likely to finish something you're passionate about =)

New follower via bloglovin and GFC!

Guinevere & Libertad @ Twinja Book Review's #FF
J. B. Kantt said…
Your first novel--that's so exciting! Writing a novel is always exciting, whether it's the first or your sixth!
Even though I've written six books, I've never been published (so like you, I'm a writer but not yet an author). So hopefully one day soon I'll have my first book published.
Anyway, good luck with your book!

New follower!

I hope you'll check out my post (even though it's a bit late)! :)
Monique Morris said…
Psychological thriller? I am both intrigued and scared. Those types of books usually wow me and scare me. I hope you get to finish! <3 Thanks for visiting my blog a very long time ago. Followed back! :)